Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bullish Thoughts: Genesis 19 vs 1-29

Bullish Thoughts knows that Faith Capital (Pvt) Ltd’s policy for any publications under the Bulls n Bears banner is that there should not be political commentary under whatever circumstances.

Having been given the green light to air his thoughts on behaviours worse than those of pigs and dogs, Bullish Thoughts will risk his hide and exploit that loophole to make some semi-political commentary. In fact it’s not even political but just involves some political characters.

There is nothing really financial or anything to be Bullish about in the column unless perhaps you are looking at political finance.

Bullish Thoughts hopes this will be his last article on the issue of same sex relationships and will do a Gaddafi if someone legalizes it and foists it on him…die fighting for his a***’s “purity”!

More gay rights @#$!

Bullish Thoughts has been accused of criminal abuse of the Queen’s language, or rather an injustice to. Well, Bullish Thoughts was so angry, yes angry, with some beings in this country who are supposed to be leading the behavioural change crusade to curb social decay that he ended up tripping on his keyboard leading to a series of typos in the last issue of the column.

Bullish Thoughts has two issues with the country’s pseudo premier.

That it has been shown time and again that he is of no policy consequence in this country as of now is beyond doubt.But that doesn’t mean he has to be reckless with what’s left of his political career and worse still, moral fibre.

Does the man have a “real advisor” who advises him on what and what not to say, what to think and what not to think, what to dream and what not to dream?

In the USA, Obama flip flopped and is sure to get as many gay votes as possible (if they care anyway) in 2012. In Africa (excluding the morally decadent SA), homosexuality is an abomination and taboo. Parroting Obama’s or Cameron’s thoughts on it is suicide. Bullish Thoughts even wonders how one can even come to be asked about it on TV! Worse still, go on to endorse such crap in the name of human rights. Homosexuality is not a human right. Sodom and Gomorrah clarified that for everyone. Unless the Methodist Church intends to endorse that.

Man, how can one even think of corrupting our constitution, the soul of the nation by legalizing that! Such thoughts should not even cross your mind whether you sleep in a chicken run, pig sty or your great grandmother’s granary. Eeeik!

Somebody get this man a wife!Perhaps he will think straight.

Who is your confidante…or who do you confide in?

Somebody tell the PM what confiding is. The premier told a gathering in Binga that H.E.confided in him that he wants to quit but is afraid of hardliners. The same H.E. also confided in the PM that he is afraid that if he steps down the patriotic party will disintegrating.

Bullish Thoughts Googled up confide and came up with the definition :            “…to impart secrets trustfully…to tell in assurance of secrecy…”

Unless PM is saying that H.E. was telling him as a “useful messenger” for testing the patriotic party temperatures ahead of the Bulawayo Indaba…but Bullish Thoughts will bet that even if the H.E. did “confide” in the PM, he never thought that this private conversation told in assumed assurance of secrecy would be further “confided” to Binga Villagers.

Bullish Thoughts hopes someone will share with the premier the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.

Below are excerpts from the 6th law:

The Law of Solid Ground

Trust is the foundation of leadership. It is the most important thing. Leaders cannot repeatedly break trust with people and continue to influence them.

How does a leader build trust? By consistently exemplifying competence, connection and character. People will forgive occasional mistakes on ability. And they will give you time to connect. But they won’t trust someone who has slips in character.

Character Communicates – a person’s character quickly communicates many things to others. Here are the most important ones:
·         Character Communicates Consistency – leaders without inner strength can’t be counted on day after day because their ability to perform changes constantly.
·         Character Communicates Potential – weak character is limiting. Who do you think has the greater potential to achieve great dreams: someone who is honest, disciplined, and hardworking or someone who is deceitful, impulsive and lazy?
·         Character Communicates Respect – When you don’t have character within, you can’t earn respect without. How do leaders earn respect? By making sound decisions, by admitting their mistakes, and by putting what’s best for their followers and the organization ahead of their personal agendas.

No leader can break trust with his people and expect to keep influencing them. Trust is the foundation of leadership. Violate the Law of Solid Ground, and you diminish your influence as a leader.

If this is a reflection what the PM’s character (outside political games), prepare for a Wikileakgate 2 starting at the highest level of government in the coming years.

Secrets are meant to be kept secret!

Value has value if only valued…

Below is a speech by Bryan Dyson (former CEO, Coca Cola) 

"Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit and you're keeping all of these in the Air. 

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. 

But the other four Balls - Family, Health, Friends and Spirit - are made of glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it." 

Work efficiently during office hours and leave on time. Give the required time to your family, friends & have proper rest.

Bullish Thoughts encourages you to live wisely!

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